Posts tagged with: Mealybugs - Plantsmith

How to repot cacti

Cacti are very popular houseplants. These slow-growing, low maintenance houseplants are easy to look after but as with all plants they will need a bit of attention from time to time.

Anthurium blooming spathes

Anthurium andreanum, flamingo lily

Anthurium andreanum is known by many names, flamingo lily, painter’s palette, lacyleaf and flamingo flower to name a few but none seem to really nail the ethereal beauty of this plant.

palm leaves


Palms have remained a popular houseplant since Victorian times. It’s easy to see why; exotic to look at, low maintenance and tolerant of lower light conditions.

leaves of fittonia plant

Fittonia, Nerve plant

Fittonia is an evergreen perennial which boasts beautiful deep-veined foliage. They naturally live on the floor of South American rainforests so are used to diffused light and highly humid conditions;…

Begonia rex

Begonia rex is an impressive tender evergreen perennial with over 500 cultivars. Also known as Painted-Leaf Begonia, King Begonia or simply Rex Begonia; these are one of the easiest houseplants to grow.

Peace Lily close up

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii, is in the Araceae family, commonly known as Aroids. It is an elegant dark, glossy foliage plant, which has tiny pure white flowers, or inflorescence, on spikes encased by protective hooded bracts, or spathes.

brown tips on leaves of Butterfly Palm

Identifying leaf problems

Identifying leaf problems can be the difference between a plant flourishing or dying. Here are some common leaf problems which can be easily avoided with a few adjustments to houseplant care.

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